Sunday, 23 December 2018

Cheshire Cars Used Car Review Of 2018 Looking Forward To 2019

As another year draws to a finish with the UK about to start the Christmas holiday I wanted to take a small review of 2018 and look into the future with 2019.

2018 saw Cheshire cars celebrating 22 years in business quite some achievement for a sole trader owner operator 2019 will see us celebrate 23 years with the quarter of a century not far away

At the end of 2017 there was a great amount of support that 2018 would become a used car year with rising demand as the new car market entered a period of decline Well this has certainly been the case with demand never higher which has put pressure on supply and in turn made the wholesale cost much higher in most cases for the sub three year old cars especially those cars with valuable extra specifications

The used car market has proved to be robust in the past and during 2018 this has certainly proved to be the case once more with the Diesel debate rumbling on the demand for used Diesel has not faltered with values stable even increasing for the premium models the public are still seeking the economy and reliability of the fuel the flip side of this is that Petrol models have seen increases both in demand and in values which has made 2018 a very good used car year

The press talked a lot about alternative fuel vehicles which will become more popular going forwards once a viable battery life and charge points are increased but this would seem to be a decade away at best the prices for this newer technology is out of the reach of a lot of families and until the retail prices reduce together with improved battery life and the increase in the total number of charge points the numbers will not significantly rise to fossil fueled vehicles I expect that the Petrol and Diesel engined vehicles will become even more efficient and clean during 2019

Unless you have been in the jungle these past twelve months you could not have failed to notice the headlines being filled full of Brexit talk and debate this has affected some retail markets for sure so with the country's exit coming during 2019 the early part of the new year will see no abating of the debate however as we carry on into 2019 I expect the markets to settle as we adjust to being outside Europe

So to end this end of year report if you are considering buying a used car in 2019 you will have a good chance of higher specified vehicles as the last decade has witnessed a large increase in market share for the German premium brands of BMW AUDI and MERCEDES BENZ with the European makers stepping up with better and higher quality vehicles before I mention the offerings from Korean car makers HYUNDAI and KIA alongside competitive finance rates and incentives 2019 looks set to be another bumper year for used cars subject to Brexit of course...